Thursday, November 8, 2012


oh another thing i forgot to share is a video. one day i was just wandering around youtube. then i checked the 'From Youtube trending'  part and i found a short films called The Last from WongFu Productions. It was good and it was touching. and then i started to watch their short films. some of them are funny, but some of them are very touching. the one that got me is this one that's called Shell.

if you can remember everything, either it's never happened or it really did happen, what would you want to remember? A fiction? Or a reality? These questions haunt me after i finished watching it. I'm a person who likes to dream. Create a world of pure imaginations. It's like making a movie in your own mind. I love doing it. But a dreamer will always be a dreamer if he/she doesn't believe in their dreams. So i think, things that i want to remember is my dreams that i believe in. Because the moment you believe in it, it starts becoming reality. What about you? What would you want to remember?

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